Art and Design

Art at Courtney

Our Curriculum Intent for Art

At Courtney, children will encounter and learn from 3 real artists every school year. Over time they will encounter and revisit drawing, painting, textiles, print and 3D skills.  They will develop their own ideas while considering line, colour, shape, form, texture, balance and proportion in different media. There will be an annual exhibition of their work.


I am an Artist.

…and when I am an Artist anything is possible. I am inspired, excited and challenged by Artists from across the world and the art that I create. My art helps me to express myself, experiment and take risks that challenge me to be creative. As an artist, I feel free to say what I think and be the unique, amazing individual that I am. My art can take me anywhere in the world. It makes me feel happy and relaxed because I am engrossed in my work, which allows me to explore my imagination and the world around me. I know that art can help me understand who I am, other people and the world.


I know that Art is important. It is a form of communication and expression that has existed since pre-history. It tells stories and helps us comment on and understand the world that we live in. It brings joy, creativity and can influence our views and thoughts… it is a language that gives us a deeper insight into what it means to be human.








Being an Artist…

Disciplinary Knowledge

Securing the Big Ideas in Art…

Substantive Concepts


  • To be able to merge, blend, bend, mix and break ideas by learning from real artists. (The runaway species -Brant and Eagleman)-innovate
  • Communicate ideas through colour, line, pattern, tone, shape, form and space.
  • Use and control a range of materials and techniques.
  • To be able to experiment, imagine, observe and create.
  • To be willing to develop ideas in a sketchbook.



  • The influence of artists
  • The influence of artistic movements…things have changed over time/evolved.
  • Painting
  • Drawing/sketching
  • Colour-Understanding the use of colour, colour mixing/colour science
  • Sculpture
  • Textiles