Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement
Written below is Courtney Primary School's Home School Agreement which is a statement outlining the aims and values of the school and the main responsibilities of parents or carers, pupils and school to help each child flourish.  By accepting a place here, your family is agreeing to enter into this agreement and form a supportive partnership with us.

Home School Agreement

At Courtney Primary School, we believe that working in partnership with families is crucial to both the happiness and outcomes of our children.

The contents of this agreement clarify what the school is trying to achieve based on our values Nurture, Inspire, Flourish,  and sets out the roles and responsibilities of the school, home and the pupils in this vital partnership.

The Home will:

  1. Make sure my child arrives safely at school and in plenty of time for 8:40am - 8:50am start.
  2. Make sure my child attends regularly aiming for 96%+ attendance, avoiding odd days off.
  3. Let the school know why my child is absent by telephoning the school on the first day of absence.
  4. Let the school know if any problems outside school may affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  5. Support and work with the school and encourage a positive attitude to education.
  6. Send my child to school wearing school uniform.
  7. Support the school’s desire for good behaviour both in school and online.
  8. Encourage my child to read at home five times a week and do any home learning set by the school.
  9. Attend parents’/carers’ evenings and any discussion sessions on my child’s progress.
  10. Read the Weekly Newsletter every week as it contains useful ‘need to know’ information.
  11. Use the steps in the Complaints Procedure if there is any concern.
  12. Respect local residents by driving safely and parking appropriately when dropping off / collecting my child.

The School will:

  1. Ensure a high quality of education for every child regardless of age, sex, race or religion.
  2. Help your child to achieve & maintain high standards of work, attendance and behaviour that will enable them to achieve their full potential.
  3. Provide a well-planned & delivered curriculum designed to develop a broad range of academic and social skills
  4. Keep you informed of your child’s progress at regular meetings.
  5. Use the Behaviour Policy to create an environment where good behaviour is the norm.
  6. Reinforce Crown Values including persistence, being proud of effort, respect of others, taking responsibility for own actions and having ambitious targets.
  7. Provide regular events for you to attend to: help celebrate successes; allow adults to learn alongside children; inform parents/carers how we teach; and show you how to support learning at home.
  8. Provide regular home learning linked to learning in school and helping to reinforce basic skills.
  9. Provide a safe and attractive learning environment.
  10. Let you know if your child begins to develop difficulties in their learning or behaviour.
  11. Listen and respond to concerns and complaints from pupils and parents/carers in a positive manner.
  12. Value your child as a member of the school community.

The Pupil will

  1. Get to school on time each day.
  2. Wear their school uniform.
  3. Bring the things they need to school.
  4. Listen to their teacher and work hard.
  5. Be kind and caring to others.
  6. Be polite and helpful.
  7. Ask for help if I they a problem.
  8. Respect the school equipment and environment by helping to keep it clean and tidy.
  9. Try to get involved with the wider opportunities offered at school.
  10. Read five times a week at home and do their homework.
  11. Aim to model the aims outlined in our Crown Values.